What We Believe
Our guiding principal as a congregation is found in Matthew 22:37-39: [Jesus] said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
Love God. Love others.
At the end of each worship service the charge to the congregation gives the big picture of how we are to live:
Your life is a gift of grace;
use it to give glory to God!
And as you go out into the world,
go out in peace with compassion and justice in your hearts.
Have courage; hold on to what is good; return no one evil for evil;
support the weak; help the suffering and honor all people.
For this is your work:
see one another,
hear one another,
care for one another
and love one another.
Love and serve the Lord,
rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.
An overview of What Presbyterians Believe is here.